WOLi consists of a simple app where the configuration is done and a foreground service which provides the functionality.
The WOLi symbol in the taskbar indicates that the service is up and running.

This State is also displayed in the app

The IP addresses and the interface of active connections are displayed. If several connections are available, the proper interface has to be selected.
If a WLan / WiFi connection is available, it can be set as the “home network”. Woli starts automatically in the home network if autostart is enabled. Ethernet (Lan) connections are automatically accepted as home networks.
If a WLan / WiFi connection is available, it can be set as the “home network”. Woli starts automatically in the home network if autostart is enabled. Ethernet (Lan) connections are automatically accepted as home networks.
use IP – communication via UDP and/or TCP
ASCII-coded (text) commands can be sent to the configured IP address at the configured port. A trigger-word activates the command receipt. Commands and parameters are interpreted by Woli and the desired function is performed.
use KNX – communication via KNX/IP-Gateway
WOLi triggers functions on telegrams on defined group addresses (GA).
If this option is activated, WOLi searches for gateways (10 sec.). If a gateway is reachable the color changes to green.
The connection method and the gateway to be used can be selected on the settings-page. The pairing of function and group addresses can also be set there.
If this option is activated, WOLi searches for gateways (10 sec.). If a gateway is reachable the color changes to green.
The connection method and the gateway to be used can be selected on the settings-page. The pairing of function and group addresses can also be set there.
The respective settings are achieved by the tool symbol.
In same manner the functions can be activated/deactivated and (if available) settings be adjusted.

The menu leads to a simple LogViewer which logs the actions of WOLi. Furthermore, an “about” dialog can be displayed which also contains the version information. As long WOLi was not started the service can be stopped.
Since V038 you can load or save settings to or from a xml file
Since V038 you can load or save settings to or from a xml file

Once WOLi is ready to start, the START WOLi button appears in menu. (If Autostart active, WOLi starts immediately and STOP WOLi appears)
WOLi is ready to start when a connection to the KNX gateway is established, or if only IP modus is activated.